Opinion: It’s time we retire the Thin Blue Line flag

It’s a symbol meant to unite, yet almost since its inception it has divided citizens and even law enforcement, the very people it’s supposed to support. It’s time we get rid of the Thin Blue Line flag. Originally, the flag was meant to honor law enforcement officers, symbolizing their role as protectors standing between chaos … Read more

Liam Neeson, 72, opens up on retirement from action movies

Over his almost 50-year career, Liam Neeson has been a Jedi Master, a humanitarian member of the Nazi party, a charming widower and a vengeful father in the Taken franchise, a role that transformed the actor into an iconic action star. Recently, Neeson, who at 72 is unsure he can convincingly throw a punch, revealed that he’s considering retirement as “it has … Read more

Test: Only a person with an IQ of 140 can find the 5 differences…

Welcome to our IQ Challenge! 🌟 Ever wondered if you have the sharpness of mind to spot subtle differences? Today, we’re testing your keen observational skills with a fun yet challenging quiz designed to assess your cognitive prowess.IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, measures your ability to reason, solve problems, and think critically. This test focuses on how well … Read more

Why using a fan at night can disrupt your sleep

Overly slumbered people tend to be the envy of sleep deprived individuals who can only dream about a good night’s sleep. If you’re looking to feel rejuvenated in the morning so you can slay your day, there’s a very simple fix that can help you get a deep, restorative sleep. Keep reading to learn the trick on becoming a … Read more

Opinion: It’s about time we fully embrace trunk-or-treating

Disclaimer: Any opinions expressed in the following article belong solely to the author and do not reflect or represent Newsner. When I first heard about trunk-or-treat, I thought it was one of the least traditional ideas possible for Halloween celebrations. It felt like a participation trophy equivalent for Halloween. Where’s the thrill in strolling from … Read more

Malia and Sasha Obama party with rapper Drake, former first daughters scantily clad

A few years after Barack Obama said Drake is “able to do anything he wants,” the Canadian rapper was spotted getting wild with his two daughters. Partying at a Hollywood hotspot with the rapper, Malia Obama and her little sister Sasha were scantily clad, one bearing her midriff and the other wearing a revealing top. Keep reading to learn about the … Read more

A newly married couple are in bed

When you find that one person you want to spend your eternity with, you accept them with all their virtues and flaws. One of the things most people want to know about their partner is how many people they have previously been with, and although this question can sometimes trigger jealousy, that’s still something normal. A … Read more

–Iconic actor has d.i.e.d today after shark attack..

Tamayo Perry, 49, has died after being killed by what is thought to have been a shark attack.Emergency Medical Services in Honolulu said Tamayo’s body was found on Sunday with several bite marks on it.Perry played the lead role in several big hits, such as Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.Emergency Medical Services … Read more