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When I first heard about trunk-or-treat, I thought it was one of the least traditional ideas possible for Halloween celebrations. It felt like a participation trophy equivalent for Halloween. Where’s the thrill in strolling from car to car in a parking lot and simply being handed free candy? In the late ’90s, we had to muster up courage, approach a stranger’s door, ring the bell, and say “trick or treat” before receiving any sweets.
For those unfamiliar, here’s a quick rundown of trunk-or-treating. It’s viewed by some parents as a “safer alternative” to traditional trick-or-treating. A group of parents gathers in a parking lot, decorates their car trunks in creative themes, and hands out candy to kids in costume as they move from one vehicle to the next.
Although the first recorded mention of trunk-or-treat was in 1994, the Halloween activity didn’t gain popularity until the late ’90s. Nowadays, trunk-or-treat events are common, often hosted in the days leading up to Halloween night.
I admit, I was initially skeptical. But I was wrong; trunk-or-treat has many perks compared to traditional trick-or-treating! Here’s why it’s a valuable option for families:
- Safety and Accessibility: Not everyone lives in a safe, picturesque neighborhood. Trunk-or-treat offers a way for families to celebrate Halloween in a secure environment. Plus, families with young children or those with disabilities avoid long walks on inaccessible sidewalks.
- Weather Flexibility: Bad weather can’t ruin Halloween for trunk-or-treat participants. If necessary, the event can be moved indoors or rescheduled, ensuring families still enjoy a complete experience. Traditional trick-or-treating can’t quite match that level of flexibility.
- Better Candy Opportunities: With so many trunk-or-treat events happening before Halloween, families can enjoy multiple celebrations. Kids can build up their candy haul before Halloween night, making it a true treat.
So, what do you think? Have you or your family ever participated in a trunk-or-treat event? Share your thoughts in the comments below!