A Halloween Story About Getting Even and Forgiving

Being tired had become a regular companion for me since Lily and Lucas were born. Even though Halloween was coming up, I wasn’t excited about the celebrations. That is, until I found eggs all over my car, thanks to my cocky neighbor Brad.

People loved Brad’s Halloween show, but his passion had no limits. He didn’t like it when I parked my car in front of his house and blocked the view of his fancy preparations. When he admitted to egging my car and said it was getting in the way of his display, he showed how bold he was.


My anger grew, but being tired calmed it down. I promised that I would teach him a lesson without getting into a fight. I would be smarter.

As I rocked Lily to sleep, I thought of a plan. Brad was weak because he was proud. I’d take advantage of that. I suggested “upgrading” his show by adding cheap fog machines and ghost projectors, even though I knew they would not work.


When Halloween night came around, Brad’s house was a sight to see. The fog machine sprayed water like a garden hose, and the ghost projector showed a cartoonish ghoul. This quickly changed his pride into shame. The last blow was when his plastic Frankenstein fell apart.

Teenagers thought he was up to no good, so they egged his house. Brad’s spooky house of horrors became a joke. The next morning, a downtrodden Brad said sorry and admitted that he had overreacted.

Before I said yes, I thought, “Funny how things work out, huh?” When Brad didn’t have anything to say, he stopped being cocky and became humble.

I knew then that getting payback wasn’t fun; it was pointless. Brad learned a lesson, and I felt better. The twins slept soundly because they felt calm.

Unexpected lessons were learned on Halloween: pride leads to fall, and being tired can make you more determined to get even.

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